Tuesday, January 4, 2011

2011 Goals!

I am a sucker for the New Year's resolution. I always like having a starting point...like ready, set, go! So one way for me to be a little bit accountable is to write my goals down. So here we go:

1.Get a regular amount of sleep every night.
Much as I want to, my late nights of staying up and reading or watching mindless TV are not good for me or my family. So this past Sunday night, I was bound and determined to get a good 7-8 hours of sleep. I got all my before-school-starts-again chores done and headed to bed, really headed to bed, at like 10:30. I was asleep by 11:15 I think, and wouldn't you know at 1 AM, the first kid came in--Zoe having a bad dream. Crazy because that NEVER happens. Oh, well. Back to sleep again--1:30, Tate is up. He is getting over an ear infection so we are trying to be responsive to his cries in the night. So I woke Buck up to go comfort Tate (if I go in, it is automatic that Tate wants to come in to bed with us--not so much with Buck--ha!). Finally, back to sleep again!! At about 2:15, a very upset Charlie comes in crying uncontrollably...for some reason I thought he was saying "my eye hurts!" and I was saying "what's wrong with your eye?" when all of a sudden, there was vomit everywhere in my bed. Guess it wasn't his eye! Dear me. So that's how my first night of getting a good night's sleep went. :) It can only go up from here.

2. Stay on top of the laundry. Enough said. So far, so good with this one! 2 days into it and with the middle of the night sheet changing, I think I have done 6 loads of laundry so far. Whew!

3. Read to the kids MORE.I have gotten lots of input from other moms as to how to incorporate more reading into our daily routine. It is a little challenging when we have 2 who LOVE books, anywhere anytime (Max and Tate) and 2 who need to be bribed to read half the time (Charlie and Zoe). We are reading a great book before bedtime right now--"The Miraculous Journey of Edward Tulane". Max is helping me read the chapters out loud to the other kids and it has been a great all-family wind-down time. Trying to keep it up!

4. Read through the Bible! A lofty goal for sure, but I have had my Daily Message Bible for 2 years now and this is the first time that I am actually doing the readings on the correct date. Doing a little each day is totally do-able.

So there are my big ones. I will do my best to keep you posted--however my goals go, one way or another. But I am optimistic! Here's to a wonderful 2011 for all of us!

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