Tuesday, June 15, 2010

I'm done!

Now if that picture's not enough to make you smile just a little, something is wrong with you! No that's not one of my patients, it's a stock photo from Google Image (just so y'all know I'm not violating HIPPA or anything!)...but I love this picture. And it's sort of how I feel. Yep, our last patient delivered. All is well. All is done, baby is here and healthy, and mom is overjoyed.

As I enter this new adventure of stay-at-home-motherhood, I thought back to how I felt as a brand-new mom. Overjoyed, just like my patient, of course. There were so many unknowns, though. Along with the excitement comes some anxiety. Just like there is with any really good thing in life. There has to be some risk, otherwise what's the point? So in the same way I felt as though I was jumping off a cliff into motherhood the first time I walked through my front door with my new baby Max--I'm feeling that way now. Exhilirated, yes. Happy, yes. A tad bit nervous about what's ahead? You bet. But really, really ready to throw my pager in the Lake. :)

And only take care of these babies for the time being:




My life is good, and I am thankful and blessed. Love to you all~


  1. SO SO happy for you! What a blessing!

  2. Congratulations Laura! What an exciting time in your life that you will never regret. These babies are going to grow up fast. You have to relish every moment even the ones that make you want to pull your hair out.

    (This is my mantra, ecspecially in the summer months)
